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Never feel worried about asking questions! If you haven't experienced floating before you will likely have lots of questions, and that is completely normal. If you can't find the answer you are looking for here please reach out to us at 

  • What is floatation therapy?
    Also known as sensory deprivation, or sensory isolation therapy, float therapy involves a tank that is in a private room, filled with about 1 foot of water, heated to skin temperature, and filled with 700 lbs of high quality epsom salts. Everyone floats effortlessly, regardless of their size, due to the high concentration of salts in the tank. Free of gravity and stress, the mind and body slow down and go beyond relaxation into a state of pure bliss. Read more here
  • Do I need to bring anything?
    Not much! You need to bring yourself and a towel (towel hire is available). We provide everything else you may need for your float: ear plugs, vaseline for cuts and grazes, face wash/make-up remover, hair dryers, shampoo, bodywash, and conditioner. Plus you have access to our post-float Rest Space relaxation lounge with complimentary tea bar and mindful garden. You are welcome to bring a swimsuit, but most people prefer to float in the nude as the material on the body can stimulate the senses. Feel free to bring your own hairbrush/deodorant, slippers and anything else that makes you feel as though you are at home.
  • What If I am claustrophobic?
    Lots of people worry that the float tank might be too small, but the tanks are actually larger than they appear in the pictures. Our pods are 2.4m L x 1.35m W x 1.2m H (think just smaller than a double bed) which provides you plenty of room to lay back even if you are over 6ft tall! You are in complete control of your environment throughout the entire experience. You can keep the float pod lid open throughout if you would like and keep the lights on. Research suggests that most people who experience Claustrophobia are more than likely fear-full of not being in control, we can assure you that throughout your float, you are fully in control. People usually find, that once they are in the pod, they start to feel more comfortable with the space and choose to then close the lid and turn off the lights.
  • How is the float tank water cleaned?
    Our float tanks undergo an extensive filtration system in between each session that involves an advanced filtration system that utilises photocatalytic UV technology to disinfect the water and passes through a 1 micron filter (a hundred times smaller than a human hair). The filtration takes the water in the tank through this process several times in between each session leading to water that is far cleaner than any swimming pool. And don’t forget there are over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts in each tank that act as an additional natural disinfectant.
  • I'm pregnant, can I float?
    Yes! Floating provides significant relief from the physical strains of pregnancy thanks to the waters buoyancy. It is an excellent preparation space to practise hypo-birthing and visualisation techniques. The setting offers a real rest for you and your baby and provides a unique opportunity to form a deep connection in a peaceful environment. It is advisable to not float during your first trimester and we always recommend talking with your health advisor before you float.
  • How long is a float therapy session?
    Our usual solo float time is 60 minutes, but allow yourself about 90 minutes for your full float appointment. The extra time will allow for us to answer any questions you may have when you arrive, give you a quick tour of the space, a shower before and after and some extra time for afterwards where you can relax in our post relaxation area before heading out.
  • What do I need to do to prepare?
    The most important thing is, don’t shave or wax before your appointment to prevent any burning sensations during the float. We also recommend avoiding caffeinated beverages or a large meal before your float. A light meal or snack is ok, but you want to make sure you are comfortable and able to lay down and relax without focusing on your digestion. Any relaxing activity, like listening to a meditation, taking a walk, getting a massage, etc. can also be a great tool to get your mind in the right place before a float. You also need to make sure you have watched our welcome video which we will send to you via email before your appointment and make sure you are familiar with our terms and conditions.
  • How often should I float?
    There are so many benefits even after just one singular float. However, there can be a bit of a learning curve for most first timers, requiring a few floats to feel totally comfortable. We recommend floating about once every two to three weeks to supercharge your long term mental, physical and spiritual health but everyone naturally finds their own preferred frequency.. You are welcome to float more often than that, it is even safe to float every single day if you choose! The great thing about floating is that every float has powerful cumulative benefits, and however you choose to build it into your wellness routine can be beneficial.
  • What does a floatation therapy session look like?
    When you arrive, one of us will welcome you and ask you to take your shoes off. This is so that we can maintain the cleanliness of our centre and keep noise to a minimum. You will be offered a pair of slide on shoes. We will then guide you through the experience and give you a full breakdown of how you can be as comfortable as possible to make the most of your float. We will show you to your own private room and once we have left the room, you will have about 5 minutes to rinse off in the shower and get settled into the tank before gentle music comes on to let you know your 60 minutes in the float pod has begun. The music will slowly fade out. Throughout the float, the lights inside the pod will stay on until you choose to turn them off with the button on the left inside the pod You can choose to keep the lid open or lights on or off, you are in complete control. With the lights off and the lid closed, you can enjoy a more traditional sensory isolated float. Throughout your float you can totally let go and even fall asleep. At the end of your experience, the music in the tank will come back on letting you know your session is coming to an end. You will have a few moments to step out of the tank before the filtration process begins. You will have about 15 minutes after your float to take a full shower and get dressed. You can then make your way to our post float rest space where you have access to our mindful garden, hair drying room and tea bar. You do not have to rush your time here, you can leave when you are ready
  • What does a floatation session feel like?
    When you first get into the pod, you will feel the buoyancy instantly, like a cork on water. As you lie down you will easily float on the surface. We will supply you with a neck pillow known as a halo to support your neck if you would like to use it. When you first start to lie back, your body will start to find its natural alignment, this can feel strange and you may notice where you have been holding tension in your body. This will ease. As you relax more in to your floatation your mind starts to adjust to the lack of sensory input your heart rate will slow down and this is where things get more fun! Our advice is to focus on your breathing, in for 4 out for 6. Some people may worry that their thoughts are loud or they are finding it hard to feel calm, we suggest you try to re-connect with your breathe in these moments. Floating is a very personal activity and everyone will have a different experience. We invite you to leave expectations at home and bring curiosity.
  • Can two people float in the same tank?
    While technically two people could fit in the tank, the tank is only designed for solo use. You can however book two simultaneous floats with a friend at a discount where you would float at the same time but in your own private rooms. We think floating with someone is great fun as you can talk through your experiences afterwards.
  • Are there any benefits to the amount of salt in the tank?
    Epsom Salt is magic really. Known chemically as Magnesium Sulfate is a mineral, which has been shown to help detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, trigger the release of endorphins (happy chemicals), and provide relief from physical, mental, and emotional stress and fatigue.
  • Are there any medical conditions I can't float with?
    Yes, there are certain medical conditions that we do not recommend you float with. The full list is available in our terms and conditions here. We advise you to always check with your GP.
  • Can I float if I am menstruating?
    For your comfort, we recommend waiting for your period to end before floating. If you choose to float while on your period, we kindly ask you to wear a tampon or a menstrual cup.
  • Can I wear contact lenses?
    We recommend taking your lenses out while you float.
  • I have dyed my hair, can I float?
    We ask that if you have recently dyed your hair, you wait until the water in your shower runs clear when you are washing your hair. You can test your hair is ready by rubbing it with a white towel after you have washed it and seeing if colour is present on the towel. Keeping our water clean from added contaminents is of the highest importance and when booking, all customers agree to our booking terms. This states that should we have any concerns over customers hair being recently dyed, we can refuse the customer a float and should any dye be found in the pods after use the customer is liable for the cost of refilling our tanks which is £1500. A swimming cap will not be enough to ensure the dye is not transfered.
  • Can I float if I have fake tan on?
    We ask that you do not float if you are wearing any topical tans. This is because it will contaminate the salt water in our tanks. Keeping our water clean from added contaminants is of the highest importance and when booking, all customers agree to our booking terms. Should any fake tan be found in the pods after use the customer is liable for the cost of refilling our tanks which is £1500.
  • Can I eat before I float?
    The last thing you want is for your belly to be digesting a large meal or grumbling for some food before you float. Try to eat a light meal a few hours before you float so that this won't happen and you won't need the toilet in the middle of your session. Try to avoid caffeine a few hours before entering the pod.
  • I can't swim, can I still float?
    You need to experience it to believe us, but everybody floats EFFORTLESSLY from the lightest to the heaviest. So you don't need to be able to swim especially as the water is only as high as your shin.
  • How will I feel after my float?
    After completing a float therapy session, you'll emerge feeling deeply relaxed, rejuvenated and maybe emerge with some new perspectives. While it's perfectly safe to resume your daily activities afterward, we suggest allowing yourself some time to fully savour the tranquil state you're in. Consider spending a few extra moments in our relaxing post float rest space area, where many floaters enjoy meditating or journaling before returning to their day. You'll notice that your skin feels remarkably silky, without any pruney sensation, thanks to the hydrating effects of the Epsom salt-infused water. Embrace the lingering sense of serenity and renewal as you step back into the world, refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes your way.
  • What should I expect?
    Drop the expectations! The beauty of rest space is that it is space to fully REST! allow your mind to go wherever it wants to go with no constraints. Forcing expectations upon the experience will inhibit the natural journey that your mind wants to take.
  • What if I have a busy mind?
    It's common to worry about quieting your mind. It can be helpful to know that our thoughts won't go away, but we can slow them down, be curious with them and have fun with them. With some simple techniques, we can help take your mind to a state of calm to help make the most your floating experience. Give yourself some time to adjust, and you may find it easier than you expect to let go and enjoy the experience.
  • Isn't an hour too much time for a float?
    It will surprise any first timer how fast their float session goes and how differently they view that time post-float. What is more likely is that you will wish you had longer!
  • Is there a weight limit to use the float pod?
    The manufacturers of the pods have tested personal use up to 120kg (19 Stone) we cannot advise using the pod above this weight.
  • When are you open?
    We are open Tuesdays - Sundays from 10am - 10pm We are closed Mondays.
  • When should I arrive for my appointment?
    Please try to arrive about 10-15 minutes before if you are floating for the first time and 5 minutes for regulars. This allows time to sign in, show you around and for us to answer any questions you may have.
  • What if I am late to my appointment or fail to show up?
    Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes before your scheduled session to allow time for check-in and preparation. If you arrive 15 minutes after, your allocated session time your float session time may be reduced accordingly, and no discounts or refunds will be provided. If you arrive after 30 minutes of your schedule float appointment this will be classed as a no-show and your appointment will be canceled and no refund will be issued. Failure to attend a booked session without prior notice will result in the full session fee being charged.
  • Where can I park?
    The street directly outside Rest Space (Cornerswell Road) is subject to a 1 hour parking restriction between the hours of 8am and 6pm. Outside of these hours and on a Sunday, you are free to park on the street for as long as you like. Not to worry though, there are plenty of adjacent streets with restriction free parking. See the map below for all parking options. Green - Restriction free parking at any time Orange - A 1 Hour restriction between the hours of 8am and 6pm Monday - Saturday. Restriction free on Sunday.
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